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Increase your MSV life with
our multi-hole design...

REGENCO’s MSV Bypass Valve Upgrade offers a unique main stop valve bypass configuration that addresses commonly experienced solid particle erosion (SPE) issues. It’s the answer to time- and resource-consuming inspections and maintenance of conventional design bypass valves.

The multi-hole MSV bypass valve greatly reduces O&M costs, while increasing steam turbine availability. The design dramatically extends bypass valve service life and requires only minor modifications to install.

Upgrades are available for valve sizes from 8 to 13 inches.

Integrated Steam Path

Valve & Governor
Inspection & Repairs

MSV Bypass Valve

Parts Manufacturing

Redirecting steam improves performance over conventional design…

Conventional MSV bypass valves are configured in such a way that steam is forced to change direction via a solid-surface impact. This makes these valves highly susceptible to SPE and steam cutting. REGENCO’s improved design redirects the steam path to prevent solid surface impact, thereby eliminating erosion problems. Stellite coatings in high-wear areas, as well as upgraded valve stem and bushing materials, also ensure worry-free performance

  • Installations range from recent replacements to many dating back more than 20 years
  • Hundreds of multi-hole valves are providing trouble-free service in Toshiba’s OEM fleet and others
  • Fleet average starts on bypass are in excess of 350 times
  • Greatest number of starts on bypass—over 1,200

Reference Paper
MSV Article