[Safety]      [Quality Assurance]      [Inside Regenco]
archive copied from [http://regenco.mgi-servilink.net]
link back to Tasker's Web Notes for Toshiba's PSD  [West Allis] Facility



REGENCO provides a safe working environment free of recognized hazards; reducing the risk of harm to employees, visitors and properties. We also ensure that appropriate procedures, controls and contingencies exist to address unforeseen events—whether in your shop or ours.

We promote and advance our environmental efforts that include the reduction, reuse, recycling and conservation of natural resources within all reasonable fiscal and technical capabilities. Activities might include, but are not limited to, construction, facility and process management, product design and external design.

Safety Benchmarks

Safety Resources

We are members of BROWZ, a third party online contractor resource to help customer’s measure contractor performance.