[Safety]      [Quality Assurance]      [Inside Regenco]
archive copied from [http://regenco.mgi-servilink.net]
link back to Tasker's Web Notes for Toshiba's PSD  [West Allis] Facility


We've got your HSB needs

A worry-free balance starts in the control room, located on the main floor overlooking the bunker. This combination control room/witness area features both precision monitoring instrumentation and the supervisory control equipment to operate the complete facility. The unit’s drive system and auxiliary equipment provide for accurate speed control over rotors’ full operating speed and overspeed ranges.

Dynamic Balancing &
Overspeed Facility

IRotor Balance

Rotor Balance

Critical Features:

Electronic data acquisition is incorporated for recording of critical parameters measured during balancing speed runs. Balance bunker outlet temperature is regulated by an air ventilation system.

The rotor drive system features an independent and redundant lubrication systems are specifically designed for fail-safe operation. An emergency power supply system is activated to provide back-up power in the event of primary power loss, but even that system is further backed up by a gravity feed lubrication system. These systems combine to assure safe coast down of the rotor.