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Retaining Rings—in stock
and available on demand...

REGENCO’s unique retaining ring stocking program means immediate delivery is available for critical 18Cr-18Mn forgings. If machining is required, our engineering and manufacturing personnel will ensure that ready-to-install rings are delivered within the quickest timeframe possible. With the largest independently stocked inventory in North America, we are able to provide ring sizes that cover 80 percent of the generator fleet—even for multiple ring orders.

Rotor & Stator Repairs

General Testing &

Retaining Ring Manufacturing

High Speed & Over Speed

Why wait on long forging lead times?

Retaining rings are the most critical component of the generator rotor and under normal operating conditions they are the most highly stressed rotor component. Retaining rings are critical in the sense that their mechanical failure always has catastrophic consequences on the physical integrity of the machine. As such, retaining rings require the utmost attention during inspection and maintenance. Periodic inspections include visual and NDE methods, such as eddy-current, ultrasonic and dye-penetrant. Special care should also be taken with older, 18Mn-5Cr rings, especially those in environments where moisture penetration is possible.

Other known problem areas for retaining rings include:

  • Arcing damage to the ring
  • Corrosion cracking
  • Pitting
  • Ring material removal from multiple inspections
  • Seating cracks
  • Tooth top cracking

Retaining Ring “Fit” Diagram