Project ManagementREGENCO is a multi-project organization, simultaneously managing
throughput times, resource allocations and costs of large projects. This
complex process of balancing interests of multiple participants requires
information technology systems that enable proper delegation of
responsibilities and communication of project status. The company applies
the planning and control cycles of your individual projects to balance the
interests of project leaders and department heads in a team effort. |
How the system works:
Project managers are assigned to your individual projects. This person, with support from our engineering staff, prepares and releases all necessary documents to the company’s Shop Operations or Field Services groups. This manager:
Issues a final report upon completion of the project
Outage Planning:
Outage planning typically consists of meeting with the customer to review
information from the last outage, evaluate current operating challenges and
identify available spare parts. Based on this assessment, REGENCO will suggest
work scope items that should be considered in the bidding phase. We will develop
and refine schedules, perform the needed engineering and set up personnel and
equipment in preparation for mobilization to site.
Schedules are prepared on MS Project or Primavera. Our project management
cost-controlling software is Microsoft Dynamic Navision. This software supports
the structuring of project budgets and tracking costs for each line item.
Personnel and materials used in our shop are tracked using a bar code data
collection system. Project managers utilize this software to accurately track
and manage projects.